Specks of dust are seemingly invisible until they float into beams of light. When they do, they reflect light with surprising beauty.
Just as you can see the beam of light clearly because of the dust within it, my hope is that you can see the God who is light clearly because of the dust posted here. I also think the title works nicely as a statement about the Christian. The man with God rightly still sees himself as dust but dust which highlights something greater than himself.
The bulk of my attempts to articulate this light take place in sermons because that is the bulk of my calling. My preaching manuscripts and audio recordings are housed under Sermons. I do not read my manuscripts when I preach and as a result the preaching event and the manuscript can be quite different. I think this is as it should be. Preaching is an dynamic event. A manuscript is static. They both have their place and value and my hope is that either or both are useful to you. When I began preaching, I would have appreciated seeing more manuscripts to see how others arranged sermons. My hope is that this might be useful to you.
These sermons fall into three diffuse categories - expository, confessional, and topical. Expository sermons are arranged by books of the Bible. Confessional sermons are arranged by their respective doctrinal confessions - the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort. I do not so much preach these confessions as I preach the Scriptures that led to these confessions. Topical sermons will be arranged by the title of the sermon series.
Interactions is my forum to interact with what I read. There are some wonderful books being published (and far, far more that have long since been published). My hope is that my rambling reflections might somehow serve you in your reading.
A Life is about my own life - my family and my day to day existence that is probably only of interest to family, friends, and Cambridge Analytica. I am married with four children. I serve as the minister of the Grace Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, MI. In way of background, I graduated from Hope College, The Trinity Fellows Academy, and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
Thanks for taking the time to read and listen and I hope you find something profitable,
Adam Eisenga